Coaching, Courses and Resources for Highly Sensitive People
Welcome to Highly Sensitive Humans – a central hub providing 1-1 coaching and courses for Highly Sensitive People to navigate emotional overwhelm and feel more empowered without denying their authentic gifts.

If you're a Highly Sensitive Person, you might be...
Feeling misunderstood in your relationship.
Paralysed by perfectionism so that you end up taking no action at all.
Overwhelmed by choices and struggling to make decisions.
Drowned out by the voice of your inner critic, which tells you you’re not good enough.
Anxious, stressed, or burnt out, which is causing you to isolate.
Struggling with chronic fatigue, migraines or ‘brain fog’.
Holding yourself back in your career or sabotaging your success.
Taking on too much or struggling to say no.
1-1 Coaching for HSP can empower you to...
Learn how to manage emotional overwhelm and feel more grounded during challenging times.
Develop a better relationship with the parts of you that are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stuck in the past.
Explore the inner critic and the part of yourself that struggles with perfectionism, so you don’t feel paralysed by failure.
Find clarity amidst confusion, especially when going through a life transition.
Explore the importance of setting healthy boundaries and learn when to say yes or no to stay in alignment with your truth.
Connect with your core values and purpose so you can work towards the vision of your ideal life.
Cultivate self-compassion and prioritise self-care so you don’t get to the point of burnout.
Explore how to communicate feelings and needs in your relationships, colleagues or with family members.
What People are Saying...
Community Member
"I am so deeply grateful for your work Jules and that of Dr Elaine Aron. You've enabled me to not only accept my sensitivity but to really explore what my traits are telling me. I'm realizing that I am struggling to find the words to describe how I feel; my whole world seems to have opened up"
Course Member
Jules is wonderful in the sense that, she holds the space for everyone, honouring each person’s process, allowing the transformation to occur slowly, silently, and soothingly. She is a caring, warm and sincere person who puts her heart and soul into helping people through their self-healing
1-1 Coaching
Jules takes the time to guide each person through their journey of self-discovery. She helped me connect with my intuition and what my soul was actually looking for
Course Member
Jules' coaching and workshops have left me feeling confident and able to expand my professional work as a coach. She has helped me to discover my unique message as a coach and also connect with other like-minded souls on a similar mission!
Community Member
Before I discovered Highly Sensitive Humans and Jules' work I often felt alone in my experience. I knew I wanted to help other people similar to me - but I had no idea where to start! Since going through the content I've learned what tools I can use for all the different struggles that HSP face. I feel confident in holding space for others and most importantly I no longer feel alone in my experience as an HSP
1-1 Coachng
I wasn't sure about the 1-1 coaching when I reached out - it was something new to me and I imagined it might work well for other people, but not me! I was so surpised as after just a few sessions I was already feeling so much more confident. In six sessions I saw a massive improvement in my ability to communicate my feeling in my relationship